They instead stumble across the home of Dr. The Nerd, Cooper and Mandi search for the creator of ET, Howard Scott Warshaw, for answers. Onward accidentally blows his right arm off with a grenade, giving the trio enough time to escape. Sergeant McButter (Helena Barrett) and the legless General Dark Onward (Stephen Mendel), thinking the trio is looking for extraterrestrials, attempt to capture them.

While filming their expedition, Cooper reveals that he believes in a super-being known as Death Mwauthzyx, who has the power to destroy all existence. He is accompanied by Cooper and Mandi, and the trip is completely funded by Cockburn Industries. After some personal thought, the Nerd decides to go to Alamogordo to debunk the conspiracy theory surrounding the buried cartridges, promising to review the game if the theory proves to be true. When he discovers marketing for EeeTee 2, his fans encourage him to review ET, something he has stood against for years because the game scarred him as a child. On top of this, the Nerd must promote and sell bad video games as part of his job at GameCops. The Nerd has become disheartened over the years, as his fans continue to buy and play the games he reviews and warns people to stay away from. The Nerd ( James Rolfe) and his sidekick Cooper Folly ( Jeremy Suarez) are working on a video game review. Thanks to the popularity and success of the Angry Video Game Nerd, sales of poorly made video games have increased dramatically, and a review of EeeTee 2 by the Nerd would drive his fans to buy the game. proposes to her bosses creating an intentionally bad sequel, EeeTee 2. In the present day, game executive Mandi ( Sarah Glendening) of Cockburn Industries, Inc. In 1983, 2 million copies of the "worst video game of all time", ET for the Atari 2600, are dumped into a landfill outside Alamogordo, New Mexico. It received mixed reviews from critics with many praising the soundtrack, visual effects, performances and faithfulness to the web series, but criticizing the story, pacing and length. The film's budget of over US$325,500 came entirely from Internet crowdfunding. The Blu-ray version of the film was released on December 14, 2014, through, with the DVD version released on May 13, 2015. The film released online via video-on-demand on September 2, 2014. The film premiered on July 21, 2014, at Grauman's Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood, followed by a limited release in theaters through July and August in the United States.

However, the crew is pursued by federal authorities, led by the villainous General Dark Onward, who believes he is investigating Area 51 and the crash of an unidentified flying object. After a longstanding refusal to address the game in his web series, the Nerd succumbs to pressure by fans to review the video game, embarking on a quest to prove that there is nothing buried there. the Extra-Terrestrial, proclaimed as the "worst video game of all time". The story centers around the then urban legend of the mass burial of millions of copies of the 1982 Atari 2600 video game E.T.
It is based on the web series of the same name, also created by Rolfe, with himself as the lead character.
Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie (abbreviated as AVGN: The Movie) is a 2014 American independent science fiction adventure comedy film written and directed by James Rolfe and Kevin Finn.